============= Configuration ============= Freshmaker uses the configuration file located at ``/etc/freshmaker/config.py``. This is based on ``conf/config.py``, and many default values are inherited from ``freshmaker/config.py``. If the configuration you are interested in is not documented here, check both of those files. Permissions =========== Freshmaker permissions are defined by using a dictionary, where the keys are role names, and the values are dictionaries that have the keys ``groups`` and ``users``. If defined, these keys must have lists as values. If a role is not defined, these values will default to empty lists. The following is an example of this: .. sourcecode:: python PERMISSIONS = { 'admin': { 'groups': ['fresmaker-admins'], 'users': ['tom_hanks'], }, 'manual_rebuilder': { 'groups': ['freshmaker-users'], }, } EUS images ========== EUS (Extended Update Support) base images are handled a little bit differently than standard container images. Mainly because its repository is unpublished and Freshmaker usually rebuilds images from published repositories. Since those images still need to be rebuilt there is ``UNPUBLISHED_EXCEPTIONS`` parameter in the configuration which allows you to add **registry** and **repository** pairs that determine unpublished container repositories. And if an image is published in one of these repositories it will be rebuilt too. With all the above said, if you want your EUS base images or any other image from unpublished repositories to be rebuilt by Freshmaker alongside published repositories, you should add **registry** and **repository** entries to the ``UNPUBLISHED_EXCEPTIONS`` configuration: .. sourcecode:: python UNPUBLISHED_EXCEPTIONS = [ {"registry": "your_registry", "repository": "your_registry"} ] Other ===== * ``rebuilt_nvr_release_suffix`` - a suffix to add to the ``rebuilt_nvr`` release in addition to the timestamp. This defaults to an empty string.